Hibernate Training By Professional
( This course is designed for individual group and can be customized according to business need.)Course No: DG-J205 view class outline Course Duration: 4 Days (32 Hrs.) | Ratio of Hands-on/Lecture: 70% hands-on/practical, 30% lecture. | view class outline Reason, Read... |
Hibernate Training Prerequisites All attendees must have basic knowledge of core Java™ development experience and understanding of relational databases and SQL. | Location and Pricing : This course delivered as face-to-face, online, onsight, offsight, live project, one-on-one. Prices depends on location and private online classes To receive a customized proposal and price quote private training at your site or online Get Quete. | Software Needed on Each Student PC : Java SE SDK, Eclipse, MySQL and Hibernat and its dependent jar |
Hibernate® (http://www.hibernate.org) is a high-performance object/relational persistence and query service. In this class, experienced Java developers learn how to put the Hibernate®engine to work within their applications. We believe in practical session
Hibernate Training Objectives
- Understand the benefits of Hibernate
- Understand the Hibernate architecture
- Create Hibernate based applications
- Understand and use Hibernate mapping to map persistent objects to the database
- Understand and work with collections & associations
- Value and Entity Types
- Bidrectional and unidirectional
- 1-1, 1-N, N-N
- Use Hibernate's versioning support
- Map inheritance hierarchies using Hibernate
- Work with Hibernate queries, HQL, and Criteria
- Performance tune your Hibernate applications
- Understand Hibernate transaction support
- Understand the relationship between Hibernate and Java Persistence / EJB 3
- Use the new Hibernate annotations to do OR mapping
Hibernate Course Training Outline
1. Introduction to Hibernate
| 2. Getting started with Hibernate quickly
3. Mapping a Class
| 4. Querying
5. The Persistence Lifecycle
| 6. Optimistic Locking / Versioning
7. Relationships
| 8. Inheritance Mapping
9. Additional Querying Capabilities
10. The Criteria API
11. Advanced Topics
| 12. Advance Topic - Interceptor